The Ripple Effect

We love hearing about the ripple effects of Haiti Outreach’s unique approach and curriculum beyond where our coaches work. We recently heard about a group of children in the community of Sapaterre, near Hinche, who took on new responsibility at their local church this spring.

In the past, this group had challenges working as a team to accomplish projects. But after 5 coaching sessions held on the topic of being accountable for your actions, they have come to understand that if we all are responsible for ourselves, great things can happen, and change begins.

They are now organizing all their own activities at church and parents are even commenting about witnessing changes at home. They are motivated because they understand, for the community to be transformed they must be involved.

On May 26th, the children celebrated a beautiful party, all thanks to the responsibility each one took on. They promise to stay accountable and to not make excuses over summer break.


10 years of clean water!