Where We Work
Haiti is a small nation of about 12 million people located in the Caribbean Sea on the western third of the island of Hispaniola, just 600 miles off the coast of Florida. This tiny nation was once known for its lush, natural beauty, but today is one of the most least resourced countries in the world. Each and every day the people face the crippling effects of poverty, undrinkable water, high infant mortality, poor medical care, illiteracy and high unemployment. However, given the opportunity, the Haitian people will help themselves. Haiti Outreach is committed to providing that opportunity.
Haiti Outreach’s working base is located in the town of Pignon, in the Nord Department. Currently, most of our programs are focused on increasing sustainable clean water access in communities in Cavillion, Ferrier, Pignon, Leogane, and Terra-Neuve.