Get Involved
Thank you for being on this journey with us! We are so excited that you want to get more involved with Haiti Outreach and transforming Haiti!
We know water has the power and ripple effect to change Haiti’s development forever because it is the one thing that brings everyone together. Our work is truly unique in Haiti! Will you consider partnering with us in doing this incredible work at this challenging time in Haiti?
Do you have time to contribute? Volunteers support Haiti Outreach in many capacities - on our Board of Directors, doing research in Haiti, volunteering in the office in Minnesota or remotely, and with fundraising activities.
The Haiti Outreach’s Adopt-a-Well Program is a specific and concrete way YOU can make a difference in the lives of hundreds of people in Haiti, not only for today, but for years to come as they maintain their well. Become a sponsor and save lives with clean water and sanitation education!
Travel to Haiti
We would love for you to personally experience Haiti - the amazing culture, people, and landscape - for yourself, as well as, see the need for development, social change, and access to clean water.