The HOW (Haiti Outreach Way)
The HOW (Haiti Outreach Way) is invariably:
Individual communities or communes initiate the process to work with Haiti Outreach. We never go anywhere we are not asked to come.
Our programs integrate the principles of integrity, consistency, transparency, data-driven decision making, and responsibility. They help leaders adopt a philosophical change in their approach from relief to sustainable development. The curriculum developed by our Haitian staff is essential to generating action for change for continuous delivery of WASH services and beyond. Because our coaching is rooted in an individual’s responsibility for all areas of one's personal and professional life, it has also proven to ripple out and transform other areas of development and infrastructure across Haiti.
All committees are required to be at least 50% women to work with us.
We are leading the conversation on climate change with a systems approach to infrastructure.
Our offices are all solar, completely off the grid, in Haiti.
Our wells use steel, nominal concrete, and are environmentally sustainable. They have very little water waste and have minimal impact on the aquifer. Wells actually protect the water source.
We were the first organization to bring data-collection technology (mWater) to Haiti that identifies working and failing water wells and systems across the country so clean water access needs to every household are easily identifiable.
Over 90% percent of the wells we installed are still working after 20 years because they are managed by the community themselves using a pay-for-service business model. This proven success is better than most other WASH-focused NGOs in the world. 50% operation is the norm.
Our team has earned a remarkable reputation for the integrity of our work and sustainability model. We continue to show up with passion and commitment when many other NGOs are closing their doors. We are here for the long haul.
Our solutions were created for Haitians, by Haitians. We believe Haitians know what is best for themselves and our coaching helps them align with their voice. We vehemently stand against White Saviorism.
See our list of strategic partners here.