Roche Delma

The Community of Roche Delma has about 30 households and 150 people in the South in the Commune of Cavaillion. They have been waiting patiently for their community well to be completed. They currently get their water from a spring called Nan Plonjon which takes 2 hours to get to by foot. IF they have money, buy plastic pouches of “clean” water to drink.

Water was found at the drilling site, the well was successfully drilled at 300 feet, and they are now waiting for the pump to be installed. Because of the unrest in the country, roads have been closed, making it difficult for goods to be transported. We have been waiting for a single part that was stuck in the Dominican Republic but news just came that it has now arrived in Port-Au Prince! Now Haiti Outreach can install the pump and the well house so the inauguration can commence! Celebration photos coming soon!


10 years of clean water!


Spring Gathering Highlights