Haiti’s Unrest Response and Need

As many of you are aware, the last few weeks in Haiti have been extremely difficult due to unrest. However, despite these new challenges, we are here to tell you that our team in Haiti is continuing to operate and is an absolutely essential part of the solution. We have found the pathway forward for Haiti to be a developed country. Haiti Outreach's sustainable leadership work empowers leaders to take responsibility for transforming Haiti themselves and is needed now more than ever before for the short and long term.

And now is when we need YOU! Will you help us and stand with all Haitians at this time? We need urgent financial resources today to keep up and carry on.

Thanks to the investment we have made in local leadership through our coaching programs we are able to continue to do transformative work throughout the country. Can you help us continue this work? The good news is everything we have built in Haiti over the past 27 years is still working. Even this past week, with the whole country in chaos, we got another well drilled! Our team continues to show up and put in the work – every day!

But the reality is, because of the situation, our costs have gone through the roof. For example, gas is 7x the normal cost. We can't do this work alone and we need your help to continue operating. Will you consider helping by making a meaningful donation to Haiti Outreach today to invest in this life-changing work at this extremely challenging time?

Please see https://haitioutreach.org/donate to donate online or mail a check to: 8441 Wayzata Blvd, Suite 118, Golden Valley, MN 55426. Thank you! If you would like to use Zelle or donate stock, please contact us.

There will be a day - in our lifetime - when we get to celebrate that every single Haitian has access to clean water, health, a sound economy, and peace.

Thank you, thank you! Every dollar counts. We couldn't do it without you! As always, our team is always happy to answer any questions about our work on the ground or talk about your gift's specific impact.

Working Together for a Developed Haiti ,

The Haiti Outreach Team


World Water Day 2024 Discussion


Turning Adversity Into Opportunity